Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Game Theory Reflection

Nash equilibrium- creating a strategy to better the situation that one may be in
Game theory- you try and figure out an opponent’s strategy, it only benefits yourself
Prisoner dilemma- two people work together, it would benefit both

When I played the game a time or two, I found a sort of pattern. I found that if I just continuously cooperated, the game would cooperate with me, but the second that I started competing, it would compete with me until I chose to start cooperating again. The game is based off of my move, and it’s just very interesting to see how my reactions or move can influence the whole game.

In history: The Cuban Missile Crisis, whether sending missiles to a hostile country or not sending the missiles
In Government: When the government negotiating trades with other countries, whether trading with allied countries or just any country we please
In economics: Stores setting prices on merchandise, whether to charge a little more or to charge less than competing stores in the area
related to sociology: When making a decision that can affect the others around you, like breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend
related to psychology: When making any emotional decision, whether or not to make a risky or safe decision
In your everyday life: Deciding what I should eat for supper, whether or not eating something healthy like a salad, or just throwing a pizza on the stove

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