Monday, April 25, 2016

~~~ The Government Is Corrupted ~~~

Did the United States recall lose its innocence after the John Kennedy assassination? I believe that we did. America was known as a place for people to come from every corner of the earth to start a new life, full of peace and new beginnings. Once Kennedy was shot and killed, and people found out that it could have been a conspiracy, I think people realized that America was not as great and amazing as we thought it was. Do I think that the killing of the president left a psychological and sociological effect on the American peoples’ mind? Yes I do, people today that can remember back to that day, have just about every detail from the day engraved in their mind down to them time and places they were. I feel like this not only had effect on the American people but on everyone across the world. Like I said above, when the assassination took place, people realized that America wasn’t the place that everyone made it out for, now the United States was a dangerous place, full of murder and violence. People from other countries felt bad for us, but they started forming ideas about how the U.S is run, and if our government really is the type of government everyone should have. The future of the U.S as we know it includes more death, and more war. JFK could have ended all of that for us. His views on how we as a country should run, would have led us to a time of peace and tranquility.

Do I think that 9/11 had an effect on America and its people? Of course I do! 9/11 may have been one of the most tragic events in the United States’ history. From these attacks, nearly three thousand people died. This event was the attacks of four strategically planned attacks by Al-Qaeda on some of the United States’ most known symbolic places in America. People lost their children, their kids, their wife or husband, and any other loved ones. These attacks left people devastated. They thought the world was ending. People were losing their trust and faith in our government. They thought, “If our government is so powerful and amazing as they tell us, then why did they allow this to happen? How could they let this country to be vulnerable enough to get attacked?” They have every right to think that, because I am right there with them. I also would like to know how this could have happened. But I do think that people were blaming themselves for this.

Who do I think killed John F. Kennedy? I believe that the government killed John Kennedy. I believe that he was doing so many things that were good for the American public, but the government was not about that life. John Kennedy wanted to take our troops out of Vietnam and avoid any type of war. The government had other plans. They wanted war, they wanted to go into any country possible and kill everyone in sight. So when Kennedy made plans to end it all, the government decided to end him. I do not understand how they executed everything so perfectly, but I know for a fact that they covered it up. With all of the facts about all of the shootings, the bullets, and just the cold hard facts, there is no way that Lee Harvey Oswald could have “single-handedly” killed John Kennedy. I am not saying that he didn’t help in taking part of the conspiracy, but I don’t think that there is any way possible that one man could execute this assassination by himself. So the next question is “Was it a coincidence that Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Junior were killed in a few years after John Kennedy was killed?” I believe that it was not a coincidence. Robert Kennedy decided that he wanted to run for president and he was going to have the same views as his brother. He had just won the California primary and was giving a speech, and I believe that the government knew the American public would elect him, so they decided to end him then instead of when he became president. I believe that this might have opened the eyes of millions of people across America. The government had almost successfully covered up the John Kennedy assassination, but then they went and screwed up by killing his brother. How could this be a coincidence? When two brothers are assassinated just years apart, because of the things they were going to do while they were president or were president. I just can’t find or figure out how the government could think that this wasn’t their doing. But what about Martin Luther King; was he killed due to a man just murdering him, or did the government set it all up and just put the blame on a man they brain washed? Me, I personally think that the government is doing all of these assassinations because they can’t comprehend the fact that someone can rally millions of people to do what is right for America, but not for the governments views of war and conquer.

Conspiracy is a funny word that seems to be widely associated with our government. Why? All the people that would lead us into a time of peace and war free, why does the government kill them off, what on earth could these people do to have led to their assassination? Would you like to know what I really think? I think that all of the governments in the world are actually run by a small group of people. They have created all of these different forms of government to create conflict between all of the people in the world. When someone like JFK and MLK have people behind them to create peace, they kill them off, because what fun would it be if they couldn’t have people dying over race, religion, or government. Do you want to know what the name of this small group of people is? This small group of people that control all of the world’s governments is called………..The Illuminati

                                                                     Much Love,

                                                                    2Pac Shakur 

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