Tuesday, January 19, 2016

NRA, White Privilege and Mass Shootings

America is a place for peace and tranquility, a place where anyone can go and start their whole lives over and start the American Dream, a place where everyone gets along. What a bunch of bologna. America is full of violence. You can’t just walk up in America and think it’s going to be all fun and games, and that it’ll be just a piece of cake. It’s going to be hard, and some people can’t handle that. Some people snap under the pressure, and some of those people just go off and shoot up a bunch of kids at a school or murder a bunch of people, all because they didn’t get what they want. Sadly enough, ninety seven percent of these mass shootings are males and seventy nine percent of those are white males. Also, within the last few years, the shootings that have taken place among the white, males, a huge portion of those were middle to upper class individuals. To me, this sounds like a bunch of spoiled, rich white kids who have gotten their way ever since they could talk, and the one time that somebody does something that they didn’t like, or somebody told them they couldn’t have something, or couldn’t do something, they go crazy, psychotic even. All they want is attention; they want people to remember them forever. The only problem with that is that, these kids go out and shoot mass numbers of kids and adults, and either they kill themselves, or else they get shot by the law. I don’t quite understand how they think that they will get away with something like that.  There are people who are scared of what is going on out there in the real world. These people are trying to point fingers, and they are pointing right at the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA is a very, very big organization that has so much political control that it will never go away. For instance, presidential candidates have dropped out of the election race because they didn’t have the support of the NRA. People are trying to say that it is too easy to get a gun these days in the United States, and that may be true, but you can’t blame the gun and make the gun responsible for killing all those innocent people. In order to put blame on anyone, you have to look at who pulled the trigger. Look at the man or woman who took the time to plan out the activity he or she intended on doing. They are the ones with the problem. I also believe that our great law and order lets these people, who do end up making it into custody, off way to easy. There is no reason in the world why these people are allowed to plead innocent due to insanity or some other brain illness. They did the crime they do the time. Going back to the whole NRA thing, I’ll say this again; that people shouldn’t be blaming them for what happens in this world. The NRA has nothing to do with the distributing of guns and who can buy or who can’t. Yes, they have a strong influence on the gun control policy in the United States Government, but the government is the one who sets things in stone. They are the ones who say it is just fine for anyone who is over 18, with no criminal record, or no “proof” of a brain defect or brain illness, can buy a gun. Don’t you think that this is a little too broad? I feel like the gun laws should be a little stricter, but don’t change anything too drastic. The only change I feel is necessary would be that people need to take a test to show they are mentally stable, can pass a hunter safety test, and can prove that they have had absolutely no felony convictions. I do understand that people, who can’t pass those things, can and probably will get a gun anyway. I mean, we made drugs illegal, but yet people still do them. If we make it so some people can’t have guns, they are just going to get them some other way.

Do I believe white privilege exists? Sadly, I do believe that it exists today in America. You see all the time if some white person does something wrong, or something bad, we as a society have grown over time to just look over our other shoulder. When it comes to a minority though, we Americans tend to blow everything we here about a minority out of proportion. As an example, we have had so many cases where a white person (cop) has shot a black individual (bystander). People in the media have tended to blow this up. Do we ever hear about a white man (bystander) being shot by a black individual (cop) or a black man shooting a black man? No? Why is that you may ask, I personally don’t know, but it is wrong. Another thing I would like to use as an example, comes from an episode from the show “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” Season 1, Episode 6 ‘Mistaken Identity’. In this episode, Phillip Banks and his wife plan to go with their friends to Palm Springs in their friend’s helicopter. In order to have transportation when they arrive, they have Will and Carlton drive their Mercedes to Palm Springs, but along the way, Will and Carlton get lost. So Carlton is driving about 2mph trying to figure out how to get back on track, when they get pulled over by a cop. The cop accuses them of stealing such a high priced car and takes them into custody. They end up getting out when they agree to take responsibility for all the local car thefts and do a public confession on TV, when Phillip sees them on TV and goes to their rescue and takes them from jail. What I am trying to get at, is that, just because they were black driving a very luxurious vehicle, the cop immediately assumed they stole the car. Let’s say Carlton and Will would have been white, the cop probably would have asked them what was wrong and helped them along with their day, but since they were black, they were wronged. So yes, I do believe that white people have it easier in this time in the world. Is it right? No, it is absolutely wrong; every man is created equal, no matter what the color of his skin is.

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