Monday, November 16, 2015

veterans day blog

I know that it isn’t Veterans day, but I would still like to thank all those who lost their lives for freedom, and to all those who have served and or currently serving! I know many people who have served in wars, and I can’t thank them enough for what they have done or are currently doing.

A man, correction, a soldier by the name Lt. Clint Lorance who was sentenced twenty years for his unorderly conduct. He was given this because the judge said her violated the rule of releasing fire upon the public without convincing evidence and or hostile action with intent. Lt. Lorance ordered his men to fire at 3 men riding motorcycle as they were heading directly at them, with no intent to stop. Lt. Lorance was jailed, gave up all his pay, and the military had him released of his duties. All this for trying to protect not only himself, but his men also, protect them from danger, or even death. Dying happens, and it will no matter what. People are going to kill people, and soldiers are going to kill terrorists, and vice versa. Should it be murder if a soldier protects himself against someone who may try to kill, no. I believe that a soldier must do anything to protect himself, or his men, or his country. If I was in his position, I feel as though I would have done the same thing. Those soldiers are under so much pressure and have so many people telling them what they can or can’t do, or what’s right or what’s wrong.

“Citizen is a duty, not a privilege.” I agree, but yet I disagree. I believe that we shouldn’t take our rights as American citizens for granted, but we should also feel honored that we have them also. It is also my right, and everyone else’s right to fulfill those rights to the best of our ability. The troops that fight for us are the ones that help us keep those rights. Thank you to every soldier for helping me keep my rights.

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