Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dear Auntie.....Piggy's letter

Dear Auntie,

I just want you to know that I'm stuck on an island and I have no idea where it's at. I was on the plane and just all of a sudden, boom, all I know is that I'm in the ocean swimming towards this island. I was walking along the beach when I met this boy named Ralph. He was a quite a fine fair haired fellow. He and I got to talking and we both realized that there weren’t any grownups anywhere that we could see. He asked me my name, so I told he could call me anything he liked, except for Piggy. He laughed just like everyone else does back home. We were walking around when we found this lagoon by the sea. Ralph just took all his clothes off and jumped in right away, but I was a little shyer than to just jump in like that. I just slowly eased my way in. I wish you could have felt how warm the water was Auntie! But then I found this shell just like neighbors have! It was almost exactly like the conch shell they have! So I told Ralph about it, and then he had a thought. What if we weren’t the only boys on the island? So he tried and tried to blow into the conch shell, but he just couldn’t get a good sound out of it. So he asked me to do it, but you know just as well as I do that I couldn’t do that because of my asthma! But then he tried again, but this time it worked great! He blew on the conch time after time, and wouldn’t you know it, but kids starting coming left and right out of the jungle! Ralph told me when kids started showing up that it was my job to keep their names. Finally this strange group of boys came out. The boy in front that led them, I didn’t like him, not one bit. He was tall and older than some of the kids, but he was very mean and very cocky, his name was Jack. He even had one boy pass out and he got mad at the boy. His name was Simon, and I like him. Anyway, Jack and Ralph wanted to go see if we were really on an island or if we were just separated from all the grownups. They took Simon with and I really wanted to go with too but Ralph said I had to stay back.     When they got back, they told us we were on an island all by ourselves, and kids got scared and were asking questions about the creepers, and beasties, and the beast. But Simon said that none of those were true, he said it was all of our imagination. Simon is just so smart auntie! But then Jack butted in saying that he should be our leader, but I stood up for Ralph, because I know that Ralph would be a good leader. So we had a vote to say who was in charge. Ralph won over Jack. So Ralph went on to say how whoever held the conch during the meetings got to talk while everyone stayed quiet, and we all ruled that it was very fair. Ralph also said that when he blows the conch, it means we are having a meeting, or we are going to eat. Then Jack said he wanted to be in charge of something, so Ralph told him to take his choir and make them hunters and gatherers. Jack seemed to be ok with that. I had some good ideas, like how we need to build shelter and build a fire so people know that we are here, but no one listens to me. But the second Ralph says the exact same thing; it’s all fine and dandy. So they went to the top of the mountain to build a big fire. And it worked really well right away. But then it started to die out and they started getting careless with the fire and started a great big fire in the forest. Kids were scared, but when everything settled down again, we did a head count. But I have to tell you Auntie, there was a little boy by the fire when this happened, and we think he was burned to death. That’s so sad that we haven’t even been here very long and someone has already died. I’m just really scared Auntie, and I want to come home. So please, when you get this letter, come find me and all the other boys before things get to out of control.

Love, forever and always

            Your dear, little Piggy <3

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