Sunday, February 28, 2016

Big White Ghetto Questions

v  1. What does the average coal miner make (wages per hour)?
               a. $25/hr

v  2. Who are some types of people a person might find in the big, “White Ghetto.”
               a. Very poor families  Kids with hardly any schooling

v  3. Why do you think the author calls it the “Big White Ghetto?”
               a. The Population of white people is so great, but it mimics the ghettos that are more African American dominant

v  4. What does the author suggests “keeps the underclass in place?”
               a. The government and their welfare program have turned Appalachia into one big housing project.

v  5. The author suggests that “poverty is the natural condition ____  _______  ________ _______.”
               a. Of the Human Animal

v  6. How does Pepsi play into this?
               a. They let people use their products that they are selling to the people

1. In Owsley County the unemployment rate is at 150%
2. People use Pepsi and other products as currency
3. Parents take their child or children out of school to get money for Social Security
4. Coal mining is heading west at a fast rate again

5. Your risk of dying could happen sooner than it normally should

Friday, February 26, 2016

Donald Trump? No......Bernie Sanders

In an article I read about Donald Trump on CNN, they talk about Donald Trump bashing our country and the people trying to run this country. He goes on about how this country is a weak country, and that it is going to take some toughness, strong, and very smart people to make America great again. Trump’s first example of this was that of Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders in a democrat who is running for presidency in 2016. Trump explains at a press conference in Michigan that in one of Sander’s campaign events how it was hijacked by a group of African American activists. He went on to say how it showed weakness, and that is one thing America can’t have. He then talks about Jeb Bush and how his idea that, illegal immigrants come here as an act of love for the United States to better their family, is once again, weakness, and that no act of love can ever make America great. This is a tough man’s country, and it is going to be taken care of. Trump calls himself a counterpuncher. He says that he doesn’t take the time to search and attack people for no reason, he only retaliates when someone “hits” him first. Later in the article, the leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, says that Donald Trump hates Obama, and that he doesn’t respect him as a person. The reason why I bring Putin into this is because I have heard things on television and on radio talk shows, where people compare Trump to Putin. But, basically in this article, it just proves Donald Trump’s radical ideas, and thoughts. Should he be president? No, I don’t think so. So who should be president? Bernie Sanders vote for Bernie Sanders, and by doing so, he will make America great again.